Atlanta Child Photographer | Brothers

Over memorial day weekend, my mom and I kept my 2 nephews while my sister and her husband took a trip to the Bahamas to celebrate their 9th wedding anniversary. (I know, I know. I’m the best sister ever. haha) I had gotten it into my head that on Monday evening I was going to take both of the boys out and get a photo of them as a surprise for their mommy and daddy. So, I did all of the necessary work to prepare Gavin (the 4 year old) and get him totally on board for what was going to occur that evening. We decided we would take a picnic and eat an early dinner at the park, take some photos, and if he was a good boy he would get to play for a bit. We pack everything up, get in the car and start on our way when low and behold…rain. Oh yes, rain. I was so disappointed. We went to the park anyway and had our picnic under a little pavilion. The rain got lighter and lighter and the sun came out more and more. Gavin looked me and said “G!!!! It stopped raining! I can play at the park now!” and I said ” Yes! And guess what else? I can take some pictures!” To which he replied, “um. I think I hear a storm coming.” HAHA. That guy, I swear. Always making us laugh.

Well, there wasn’t a storm coming and the boys were sweet and cooperative. Below are the images captured in the 10 minutes I was given that evening. 🙂 In almost every single photo of the boys together, Gavin is playing with the baby’s toes. It absolutely slays me. So amazingly sweet.