Fun in Piedmont Park | Atlanta Family Photographer

I met my sister and her family for a little photo shoot this past weekend at one of my very favorite spots in Atlanta. Piedmont Park is located in the middle of Atlanta and is sort of like our very own Central park, but on a much smaller scale. 🙂 I have always wanted to do a photo shoot there and now that I have gotten a little taste, I definitely want to go back and do more.  My goal for this particular shoot was to get a shot of Gavin in park with the Atlanta skyline in the background.I like the image I got but think it could definitely be improved upon. The light was somewhat difficult and my subject was a little hyper :-). All the more reason to take him back in the spring when all of the green is coming back and try again, right?

The last image is pretty special. It probably will be the last photo of them taken as a little family of three as my sister is due to give birth to Gavin’s baby brother at the end of February.  I am so excited!!! I can’t wait to meet my new little model, errr, I mean nephew. 🙂 I am sure Gavin will be thrilled for me to have someone else to focus my camera on and give him a little break once in awhile.  I actually asked him if when the baby was born he thought I should stop taking his photo and only take the new baby’s photo. He said “No! That would make me ‘weally’ sad. You can take his picture on weekends.” Too funny, that kid.

Enjoy!! Hopefully there will be a lot more images coming when I get more of a chance to explore this great Atlanta park!

*Edited to add a couple photos showing what Gavin was really like that day. 😉