The Happy Traveler | Melbourne, Australia – Brighton Beach

“Set me free so I can roam the world” – unknown

I saw this quote many, many years ago and fell in love with it. I have no idea where it came from or who said it but I believe it describes the way I feel beautifully. I absolutely love to go and see and experience. Every time I return from a trip I begin the planning of a new one, undoubtedly much to the chagrin of my family members who wish I would just settle down and perhaps find a “real job.”

This past November I was given the amazing opportunity to travel to Australia/New Zealand for 5 weeks. I traveled around for 2 weeks with my good friends (and part-time employers) from Baby as Art, Carrie Sandoval and Brittany Woodall helping out with their workshops in Melbourne and Sydney. Then a magnificent two week visit with my awesome ex-pat friend, Rachel Devineย and her beautiful family. THEN a completely awesome visit to Wellington, New Zealand to visit another awesome friend, Peta Mazey. I have been trying to figure out how to share the many, many photos I took while on this incredible adventure and have decided to just post them per day of my visit. It may take a while but please just bear with me. ๐Ÿ™‚

These photos (taken at Melbourne’s Brighton Beach) were the first I took, 3 days after arriving in Australia (the jet lag was atrocious). I have never been much for taking landscape or sunset shots but I just could not get over how simply breathtaking it was.

Enjoy…and stay tuned. ๐Ÿ™‚